Welcome to the Christ Driven Life

The Christian gospel is more than a wonderful offer of saving grace, it is a demand for supreme, non negotiable, undivided loyalty, for unconditional surrender to the life altering Lordship of Jesus. The contemporary club Christian church has all but abandoned this raw nerve exposing truth as we are besieged by a philosophy of ecumenical pluralism that rejects the ultimate authority of scripture as final on all matters of salvation and genuine saving faith! Crisis point alert: There is an ever increasing culture of entitlement which scorns submissiveness to Gods ordained authority, rejects His Word, and rejects the truth of Christ requirements of absolute obedience to His commands. 

Serving God is our absolute duty, yet paradoxically, in His service there is perfect freedom and joy. True freedom and joy is only found in surrendered obedience to Lordship! The Atonement gives us the freedom to obey the call of the Spirit as the bondage of the carnal fleshly nature have been defeated on the cross where the principalities of darkness were disarmed, destroyed, and put to open shame in the Heavenly realm!